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Unlock the power of data analytics for leaders across various industries. Whether you're a store manager in retail, sales representative in insurance, business leader in manufacturing, or a marketing professional in banking, gaining quicker access to information is essential.

CHAT WITH YOUR DATA™ makes data analysis accessible to everyone by eliminating the need for technical skills. Now, anyone can access actionable insights, easier and faster than ever before - Simply by asking!
  • eCommerce
  • Retail
  • Insurance
  • Banking
  • Telecommunications
  • Media & Communications

Get Insights Simply by Asking

  • What are the top-selling products or categories on the e-commerce platform?
  • How does customer behavior differ across different marketing channels (e.g., social media, search engines, email)?
  • What is the average order value and how can it be increased?
  • Are there any patterns or trends in customer browsing and shopping behavior?
  • What are the main drivers of cart abandonment and how can it be reduced?
  • How effective are personalized recommendations in driving conversions and cross-selling?
  • Are there any geographic or demographic segments that exhibit unique purchasing patterns?
  • What is the impact of customer reviews and ratings on product sales?
  • How does website performance and page load times affect conversion rates?
  • What are the most profitable customer acquisition channels and campaigns?

Chat with your Data - Business Analytics Dashboard and Insights for eCommerce

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  • What are the top-selling products or product categories?
  • Which locations or stores have the highest sales and profitability?
  • What are the seasonal trends in customer demand and how can they be leveraged for planning and inventory management?
  • How do pricing strategies and promotions impact sales and customer behavior?
  • Are there any patterns or trends in customer purchasing behavior based on demographics or segments?
  • What is the correlation between customer satisfaction and repeat purchases?
  • How effective are marketing campaigns in driving foot traffic and online conversions?
  • What is the average shopping cart value and how can it be increased?
  • Are there any opportunities to optimize supply chain efficiency and reduce costs?
  • How do competitor activities and market trends impact sales performance?

Chat with your Data - Business Intelligence Insights for Retail Industry


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  • What is the overall claim frequency and severity for different policy types?
  • Which geographical regions have the highest concentration of insurance claims?
  • How does the age or gender of policyholders correlate with claim patterns?
  • What are the main causes or drivers of insurance claims within a specific time period?
  • Are there any seasonal trends or patterns in insurance claims?
  • Which insurance products or coverages generate the most revenue for the company?
  • How does customer satisfaction or feedback correlate with policy renewal rates?
  • What is the average processing time for insurance claims and how can it be optimized?
  • Are there any fraudulent activities or patterns that can be identified from the data?
  • How do different marketing campaigns or channels impact new policy acquisitions?

Chat with your Data - Data Insights for Insurance Companies


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  • How does customer behavior differ across different banking products (e.g., savings accounts, credit cards, loans)?
  • What is the customer churn rate and what factors contribute to it?
  • How does the bank's lending portfolio perform in terms of default rates and profitability?
  • Which customer segments are the most profitable for the bank?
  • What are the main drivers of customer satisfaction and loyalty?
  • How effective are marketing campaigns in acquiring new customers or promoting additional services?
  • What are the trends in deposit growth and how do interest rates impact customer behavior?
  • Are there any patterns of fraudulent activity that can be identified in transaction data?

Chat with your Data - Business Analytics and Insights for Banking

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  • What are the key factors driving customer churn and how can it be reduced?
  • Which customer segments are the most profitable for the telecommunications company?
  • How does customer behavior differ across various service plans or packages?
  • What are the trends in call volume and data usage, and how do they vary by time of day or location?
  • Are there any patterns or anomalies in network performance and service outages?
  • What are the main drivers of customer satisfaction and how can they be improved?
  • Which marketing campaigns or promotions have been most successful in acquiring new customers?
  • How does pricing and competitive offers impact customer retention and acquisition?
  • Are there any patterns or trends in customer complaints or support tickets?
  • How does network traffic fluctuate during peak times and what are the implications for capacity planning?

Chat with your Data - Insights for Telecommunications

Get Insights Simply by Asking

  • What are the most popular media content or channels among the target audience?
  • How do user engagement and viewership differ across different platforms (e.g., TV, streaming services, social media)?
  • What is the effectiveness of advertising campaigns in driving audience reach and brand awareness?
  • Are there any trends or patterns in user behavior and content consumption based on demographics or segments?
  • How do customer preferences and viewing habits vary across different regions or markets?
  • What are the key factors driving subscription or membership growth?
  • How does customer sentiment and feedback impact audience retention and loyalty?
  • What are the advertising revenue streams and how can they be optimized?
  • Are there any patterns or trends in user interactions and social media conversations around specific media content?
  • How does content personalization and recommendation algorithms impact user engagement and satisfaction?

Chat with your Data - Digital Marketing Analytics and Insights for Media & Communications Agencies

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my Industry not included?

CHAT WITH YOUR DATA™ works in any industry where you have data stored in SQL databases or Excel files and you have a business question you want to ask.

Supported Languages?

Currently supported languages: English, German, Italian, French and Portuguese.